Somewhere along the way, the notion of self-care became superficial, inaccessible, and backwards. Social media took a hold of it, monetized it, and distorted it into trendy rituals designed to please the people looking at you, not you. Self-care, first and foremost, is about yourself. And when it comes to yourself, your gut is the true North Star to Feeling Genuine Good.

Self-Care Charlatans

AG1 is not fooled by celebrities pushing ‘self-care’ routines that really just pad their wallets— are you? Well, we’re about to find out… we will find doppelgangers of celebrities notorious for this heresy, to introduce the newest, trendiest ‘self-care’ routine. We will feed this ridiculous regime to major news sources and social media influencers until it reaches peak virality. Then, we pull the rug— just have some AG1. 

Gut On The Street

AG1 is partnering with comedian and internet personality, Chris Klemens, to launch our new mascot– The Gut. Chris will be in the suit and accost people (man on the street style) about their self-care routines, and then throw free packets of AG1 at them. He will also go on Instagram live and try out some of the trendy ‘self-care’ methods, highlighting how ridiculous and illegitimate they are. 

Extra, Extra! Read All About It

AG1 will put a paid promotion behind tweets that negatively review weird self-care trends. The tweets will also be re-posted via social media and spray painted on the streets.


AG1 and Headspace are partnering up to introduce a new category within their platform called ‘Gutspace’. It’s been proven that deep meditation can improve gut health! Each guided meditation will be informative on how you can become more in tune with your gut. We will sell speciality packs of AG1 that include a QR code you can redeem for discounted access.

Make your gut something you can trust

CW/Concept/Insight/Creative Direction: Jesse Kronengold

AD: Lucero Torres